Arrest, police summons, indictment, appeal?

Petra Brüchert-Pastor, born Makalowski

Your lawyer and specialized solicitor for criminal law in Essen

Arrest, police summons, indictment, appeal?

Here you can talk to the lawyer personally


Since 1998 worked exclusively as a criminal defence lawyer for my clients


  • experienced
  • fast
  • reliable
  • successful

For advice in Polish, Russian & Ukrainian:

You can reach my interpreter for these languages on Tel. +49 172 2411226

For advice in Romanian:

You can reach my Romanian interpreter at: Tel. +49 173 1685139

Law Office

Altendorfer Str. 313, 45143 Essen
Tel. +49 172 27 61 732
Fax. +49 201 86 28 41 18

Petra Brüchert-Pastor, born Makalowski

Your lawyer and specialized solicitor for criminal law in Essen

Here you can talk to the lawyer personally


Since 1998 worked exclusively as a criminal defence lawyer for my clients


  • experienced
  • fast
  • reliable
  • successful

Law Office

Altendorfer Str. 313, 45143 Essen
Tel. +49 172 27 61 732
Fax. +49 201 86 28 41 18

For advice in Polish, Russian & Ukrainian:

You can reach my interpreter for these languages at:
Phone +49 172 2411226

For advice in Romanian:

You can reach my Romanian interpreter at:
Phone +49 173 1685139

The job of the criminal defense attorney is
to give trust where everyone refuses; to develop compassion where feelings have died; to sow doubts where no one has them anymore;
and to plant hope where it had long since evaporated.

Gerhard Strate, attorney

Uncomplicated and fast

Also in the emergency service, arrests and home searches and searches in business premises

Many years of experience

I have been representing detainees and clients at large since 1998. I have been a lawyer in Essen for 25 years and since 2001 I have been a specialized solicitor for criminal law.

Multilingual and transparent

Advice also available in English, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian or Spanish. I advice detailed, always transparent and, above all, realistic information on prospects of success, risks and costs.

Criminal law

I represent your interests in criminal law by way of example in…

  • Legal representation in preliminary proceedings
  • Representation in detention cases (e.g. oral detention review, detention complaint)
  • Search of private or business property
  • Arrests
  • Hearing with the public prosecutor’s office to avoid legal proceedings
  • Legal representation in preliminary proceedings
  • Representation in criminal cases
  • Ancillary action and representation of injured parties
  • Support of witness
  • Appeal and revision letter
  • Deferrals according to § 35 Narcotics Act (Therapy instead of punishment)
    (Therapy instead of punishment)
  • Waiver of execution of sentences for deportation
  • Complaints against probation revocations
In particular, the following allegations…
  • Offences against sexual self-determination
  • physical injury, including resistance to police officers
  • Violation of the Narcotics Act, e.g. import and trade
  • Crimes committed by gangs
  • Property crimes, in particular theft, robbery, embezzlement and fraud
  • False testimony
  • Money laundering
  • Insult
  • Juvenile penal law
  • Capital crimes
  • Road traffic offences, e.g. hit-and-run, drunk driving, endangering road traffic
  • Forgery of documents (e.g. vaccination certificates)

If the worst comes to the worst

Tips for arrest and search

  • Make use of your right to remain silent.
  • Memorize your lawyer’s number beforehand. The mobile phone is the first thing that is taken away from you.
  • Never defend yourself physically. Even tearing it away can be seen as resistance to law enforcement officers.
  • Insist on calling the defense lawyer of your choice.
  • Let them know that you will only provide information if your lawyer is present. Then they will wait for your lawyer.
  • Contradict to searches and seizures.

About me

  • Since September 1998 lawyer in Essen
  • since 2001 specialized solicitor for criminal law
  • until 2013 shared office with lawyer and specialized solicitor for criminal law Wolfgang Zeitler, Essen
  • then shared office with lawyer and specialized solicitor for criminal law Baris Gültekin, Essen
  • since November 2020 office community with lawyers Eva and Victor Berger, Essen


Criminal defense is characterized by the fact that you think things through beforehand and discuss them with the client with all the ramifications. I take this time, because there is nothing worse than an uninformed and unprepared client in criminal proceedings.

This requires legal experience from the courtroom and a humane and direct contact with his clients.

From the initial contact to the successful conclusion of the proceedings, you speak exclusively with me. My defence is based on this; a genuine relationship of trust between lawyer and client. I reflect this empathy in my pleadings and applications to the court.


In principle, the lawyer’s fee is based on the German Lawyers’ Fees Act (RVG).

In deviation from this, fee agreements (e.g. according to hourly rates or flat rates) can be agreed.

Such a fee agreement may then also exceed the amount of the fee. the statutory fees, including the initial consultation fee. Please bear in mind that I am a freelancer and can make my knowledge and time available to you.

Please read the further information under “Fees” and feel free to ask me about the costs. Legal expenses insurance may also be a possible cost bearer.